Glimmerglass team members go through extensive safety training each summer — from fire extinguisher training to a “slips, trips and falls” course to back safety and more. With all the gun-slingin’ in store for this upcoming season, it was also important for some of our team to be trained in gun safety as well. While none of the guns used onstage this summer will have the ability to fire an actual bullet, they all have to look as real as possible. The team was trained in how to know each gun is safe before it goes onstage.
Abby (Director of Production), Andi (Director of Administration and Operations), Jen (Safety Coordinator), Francesca (Design Intern), Rebecca (Props Manager), Brad (Props) and Mike (Stage Operations) took a trip to a nearby sportsman’s club to meet Ed, a friend of the opera who is a gun safety instructor. We are grateful to have someone like Ed who is so knowledgeable in this area.