Breaking Glass

Breaking Glass: Hyper-Linking Opera & Issues is a new project comprised of a 5-episode podcast series co-produced by the WFMT Radio Network in Chicago and eight national forums inspired by new work written specifically for the Festival. The Breaking Glass project offers the Glimmerglass audience insight into how music and art can respond to issues we face as a society and examines diversity and inclusion in America. Breaking Glass is a community conversation designed to provoke thoughtful discourse about these important topics.

Breaking Glass and the development of Stomping Grounds and Blue are funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Glimmerglass’s commissioning fees for Blue are funded in part by an OPERA America Female Composers Grant. Further development of Blue is made possible by a Repertoire Development Grant from the Opera Fund. The Breaking Glass podcast is a co-production of the Glimmerglass Festival and the WFMT Radio Network, a Chicago-based producer and distributor of radio programs and podcasts about the arts. The podcast is made possible by an OPERA America Innovation Grant supported by the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation.

Listen to a Preview of the Podcast