Criteria for Donation


The Glimmerglass Festival is pleased to support your non-profit fundraising event. Please review our criteria for donations:

  1. The requesting organization must be a not-for-profit organization or accredited educational institution.
  2. Requesting organizations must NOT be affiliated with political issues or parties, nor may the event be primarily associated with a political candidate, party, or issue. Sorry, no exceptions.
  3. Requests must be received at least four weeks before your event date to assure prompt delivery.
  4. Requests must be in writing on letterhead.
  5. Our standard ticket donation is a voucher for two tickets to a July performance, valued at $160. The voucher will expire on July 31 of the current season and may be redeemed in advance by phone or at the Box Office after single tickets go on sale. Subject to availability. The voucher is not redeemable for cash, and cannot be applied to any events after the expiration date.

Please understand that The Glimmerglass Festival has financial considerations and may not be able to fill every request if we have met or exceeded our budget for charitable donations. Letters will be sent promptly to anyone requesting after the budget is met or whose event or organization falls outside the policy parameters. One request per organization per festival season, please.

Thank you for thinking of The Glimmerglass Festival for your event. Please call us if you have further questions: (607) 547-0700, ext. 203.

Support Glimmerglass

Voices soar with your support, make a gift today!

Meals by the Horned Dorset

The Horned Dorset Inn offers a selection of delicious meals to enjoy before most shows! Order up to one week before your visit.