Community Involvement


In the summer, there are more than 350 people working together to produce The Glimmerglass Festival; however, the season starts much earlier for the 21 full-time, year-round staff members. In addition to preparing for the upcoming season, The Glimmerglass Festival participates in and sponsors several between-season events in the surrounding community.

In the spring, second graders from area schools visit Glimmerglass for backstage tours for a behind-the-scenes look at the theater and the preparation process.

Area music camps are invited to final dress rehearsals as part of their summer program.

The company is working with the Center for Continued Adult Learning to offer educational seminars on opera performance. This group joins Glimmerglass for insightful lectures on the season and the theater’s inner-workings.

Glimmerglass sponsors the Music Student Rewards Program, which annually awards two tickets to a Festival production to local students who receive music awards from their high school. This program has been expanded to more than 100 high schools in the region. Glimmerglass’s new youth ticket prices, paired with programs like the company’s Music Student Rewards Program, have been developed to expose young people to opera.

Each May, the Glimmerglass Guild presents “Talking Opera,” a series of free, educational seminars that delve into the history and details surrounding the upcoming productions. Seminars are offered at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays in May and June.

Glimmerglass staff members are happy to speak at local high schools about the careers available in the performing arts. To find out more information, contact Brittany Lesavoy, Director of Public Relations, at or (607) 547-0700 extension 206.

Glimmerglass is happy to consider requests for ticket donations for upcoming fundraising events. Before you make your request, please look over our criteria for donation.

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Meals by the Horned Dorset

The Horned Dorset Inn offers a selection of delicious meals to enjoy before most shows! Order up to one week before your visit.