MUSIC | Francesco Cavalli
LIBRETTO | Giovanni Faustini
SUNG IN | Italian
RUN TIME | 2 hours and 25 minutes
PERFORMANCES | July 23m, 26; August 3m, 5m, 11m, 17
GENEROUSLY SPONSORED BY | Allison and W. Keyes Hill-Edgar

CONDUCTOR | Rob Ainsley
SET DESIGNER | Charlie Corcoran
LIGHTING DESIGNER | Amith Chandrashaker


Jove catches a glimpse of the beautiful nymph Calisto and sets out to seduce her. But Calisto, a follower of the goddess Diana, has taken a vow of chastity and will not be swayed. Mercury suggests that Jove disguise himself as Diana and try again. Jove as Diana coerces Calisto into an encounter that, while enjoyable for both characters, was obtained through his deception.

Meanwhile, the shepherd Endymion sings of his love for the moon, personified as Diana, who secretly returns his love. The young nymph Linfea chides Endymion for approaching the chaste goddess, who rejects the shepherd to preserve her reputation. Calisto appears, bewildered by the intense experience she believes she has just shared with Diana. When Diana realizes Calisto has broken her vow of chastity, she expels the nymph from the forest. Linfea, observing all of this, wants to learn more about the power of love. A Young Satyr offers his services, but Linfea dismisses him. Meanwhile, Pan laments the loss of Diana’s favors and wonders if she has found a new lover; his companions console him and promise to kill any rivals.

Endymion serenades the moon and is rewarded by kisses from Diana; their confession of love is witnessed by one of Pan’s followers. Juno, having heard rumors of Jove’s latest dalliances, descends to earth and finds Calisto weeping. When Jove as Diana appears to reassure Calisto, Juno confronts “Diana” about her lascivious behavior, but the disguised Jove does not crack. Endymion approaches the false Diana next, unwittingly revealing the real Diana’s recent breach of chastity. Pan reproaches Diana, and the satyrs threaten to kill Endymion. Linfea arrives, still in search of a husband. The nymphs and satyrs face off in a dance.

The jealous Juno finds Calisto and punishes her for Jove’s transgressions, turning the nymph into a bear. Jove reveals his identity to Calisto and promises that she will one day ascend to the heavens. Meanwhile, Pan and Sylvan demand that Endymion relinquish Diana, but he refuses. Diana and Endymion pledge their ongoing love but agree to limit its physical expression. Jove gives Calisto a glimpse of her celestial future before returning her to earth as a bear who will give birth to their son. He promises that both will one day be immortalized in the stars.


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